“At the Table” Vacation Bible School Curriculum for ELCA World Hunger (January 2025)
Essay on St. Elizabeth of Hungary in The Modern Saints by Gracie Morbitzer (December 2023)
Including Autistic Children in Church, Faith + Lead (July 2022)
Our God of the Kitchen Floor, Fathom Mag (January 2022)
The Holy Week I Didn’t See Coming, Mockingbird Magazine (March 2021)
Blessed Are the Nones: An Interview with Stina Kielsmeier Cook, Mockingbird Magazine (March 2021)
Gringos, Columbia Journal (April 2020)
Featured in Weird Parenting Wins by Hilary Frank (January 2019)
UVA’s Young Women Leaders Program Turn Students into Change Agents, UVA Today (December 11, 2017)
I was Subconsciously Labeling My Children and it was a Big Mistake, Motherly, (October 27, 2017)
Dialogue or Activism? Which Works Best in a Divided World?, UVA Today (July 14, 2017)
Are High Achieving Black Students Invisible?, UVA Today (May 4, 2017)
Climate Change the the Poor, Living Lutheran Magazine (April 26, 2017)
Climate Change and Hunger, Living Lutheran Magazine (April 19, 2017)
Climate Change, Migration and the ELCA, Living Lutheran Magazine (April 12, 2017)
How the ELCA is Addressing the Effects of Climate Change, Living Lutheran Magazine (April 5, 2017)
Blooming from their STEMS: Tech Girls Use Empathy in Learning STEM, Charlottesville Family Magazine (March 26, 2017)
Peace Squad: Walker Elementary Students Work Together to End Bullying, Charlottesville Family Magazine (March 26, 2017)
AMMPARO: A Call to Welcome, Living Lutheran Magazine (February 8, 2017)
Seeing Jesus in the face of the other, Living Lutheran Magazine (November 4, 2016)
My lack of black friends makes me a part of the racial problem, Huffington Post (September 21, 2016)
Treating the soul of an epidemic, Living Lutheran Magazine (July 10, 2016)
A radical welcome, Living Lutheran Magazine (November 26, 2015)
Social workers fight to improve lives, but often lose theirs in the process, The Guardian (August 18, 2015)
Ophelia, Holden and Me, Mothers Always Write (July 13, 2015)
What I Told My Children About Charleston, Huffington Post (June 25, 2015)